Today I’ve read an interesting white paper (from Hubspot and SocialBro) about how to make Twitter work for business. They analysed 200,000 tweets and shared number of recommendations. Five of them that I’ve found most interesting and not so obvious are below.

1. Optimal length of hashtag is over 11 characters

It isn’t something that you can guess, but here where big data analysis is useful:

  • Tweets with hashtags over 11 characters in average get 117% more retweets than ones with 6 to 10 characters and 48% more retweets than tweets with 1 to 5 characters hashtags
  • Tweets with 1 to 5 characters get in average 47% more retweets than those with 6 to 10

So hashtags 6 to 10 characters long looks like the worst choice based on this analysis.

2. Don’t overuse hashtags

Tweets with one hashtag are 69% more likely to get retweets than tweets with two hashtags.

3. Place URL in the middle of your tweets

Tweets with URL in the middle are 26% more likely to get retweets than if you place URL in the begin or at the end

4. Upload images directly to Twitter

If you do that the chances to get retweets are 173% higher than if you use 3rd party tools.


 Source: A visual guide to the science of success on Twitter. Data backed best practices for Businesses on Twitter. SocialBro, HubSpot

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