This is 3rd part of series about working with Magento 2 REST API in R. If you haven’t read previous posts in this series, I would recommend to do it. This article sample use the functions defined in previous posts. You may find them at R plus Magento 2 REST API Continue Reading
Scraping data about Australian politicians with RSelenium
While there is more and more data available in structured formats (CSV, JSON) through initiatives like OpenData, sometimes nicely formatted data still not publicly available. When I decided to conduct a little study of what Australian politicians from the major party post in Twitter. So I decide to find list Continue Reading
R plus Magento 2 REST API revisited: part 2 – filtered search
In previous post I wrote about how to set connection with Magento 2 REST API from R and make queries to universal search. Now let’s see how use filtered search. Also we’ll use other than universal search endpoints that provide access to more specific Magento 2 store information. Using filtered Continue Reading
R plus Magento 2 REST API revisited: part 1- authentication and universal search
I wrote a post about getting Magento 2 data to R using REST API last year. Now I provide more examples of use and a wrapper over API that you can re-use to get data from Magento 2 to R in a bit more convenient way. Prerequisites Magento 2 I Continue Reading
Are petrol prices in Australia fair?
Petrol is a product that used by most of Australians. So people are pretty sensitive to price changes, especially when the fuel become more expensive. With prices reaching $1.6 for unleaded the debates are becoming more and more hot. Are greedy petrol traders ripping off Australians or the price changes Continue Reading
Shopify customer segments
Not so long time ago Shopify has published its annual report. Thanks to the fact that Shopify is a publicly traded company and obliged to publish such reports, we have a rare opportunity to get better understanding how the business of leading ecommerce platform work. If you wish to view full Continue Reading
Accessing Magento 2 REST API from R
Magento is my bread and butter and I like to do data analysis with R. Hence I though, can I access Magento 2 data through R directly, without need of export or connect to the database? Magento 2 has API, so I’ve decided to give it a try. Magento (including Continue Reading
Australia Post to launch a marketplace
It isn’t a fact yet, but my educated guess: Australia Post will launch a marketplace sooner rather than later. Australian eCommerce landscape changes quickly. Just an year ago we only really had eBay as a major player in general eCommerce marketplace space. Now we have also Catch Of The Day Continue Reading
Bitcoin vs Paypal comparison of size and transaction cost
Bitcoin and more in general blockchain technology is a very hot topic now. Every man and his dog either invest in crypto-currency or work in a start-up based on this technology. One of the benefit that often promised by blockchain pundits is a decreased transaction cost. For example people from Continue Reading
Ecommerce platforms wordclouds – Magento, Hybris, Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce
We can’t really find (at least at the moment) what people think about different topics, but thanks for technologies we can find out what they write about it, which is rather close in many cases. Today I decided to explore what people write about different ecommerce platforms since this is Continue Reading